But the San Diego-based couple boycotted the chain for several months last year because it served its drinks in plastic foam cups. 但是这对来自地亚哥的夫妇去年连续数月拒绝购买这家连锁店的饮料,因为店里用泡沫塑料杯盛装饮料。
The main challenge for food companies is to find a cup that functions as well as plastic foam and doesn't cost the consumer more, said Bonnie Riggs, a restaurant industry analyst with consumer market research firm NPD Group. 食品公司面临的最大挑战是找到一款和泡沫塑料功能相同又不增加成本的杯子,消费者市场研究公司NPD集团的餐饮业分析师邦尼?里格斯(BonnieRiggs)说。
Such worries led San Francisco in 2007 and Seattle in 2009 to ban plastic foam, instead requiring food vendors to provide compostable or recyclable to-go containers. 出于这样的担忧,旧金山在2007年、西雅图在2009年禁止使用泡沫塑料,而要求食品销售者提供可分解或者可循环使用的外带容器。
On a spring morning, Hogan had given each of her students a tool kit containing a plastic foam dinner plate, a balloon, a small plastic stirrer straw, a sharp pencil and masking tape. 一个春天的早上,Hogan给她的学生每人分发一个工具箱,里面包括一个塑料泡沫餐盘,一个气球,一个塑料搅拌吸管,一个削尖的铅笔和一个胶条。
But the uses of the plastic foam extend beyond the skies. 除了在航空业中使用,这种塑料泡沫还用在其它地方。
They trial-produced a plastic foam for lining winter clothes and quilts. 他们试制了一种衬冬衣和被子用的泡沫塑料。
Determination of Gold in Ores by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry with Plastic Foam Absorption 泡塑吸附-电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法测定矿石中的金
The surface of the bed frame is provided with one layer of plastic foam or batting which are sewed, so a crossed cord braided spring bed frame cushion is formed. 如将该床绷表面附加一层泡沫塑料或棉絮,再用布料缝合即构成弹力床绷垫。
The event aimed to arouse public awareness of the environmental problems caused by disposable plastic foam lunch boxes and to promote environmentally friendly and healthy lunch in schools. 活动旨在提醒公众留意由即弃发泡胶饭盒造成的环保问题,并向学校推广环保及健康午膳的模式。
Solvents of dissolution PS plastic foam are mix solvents of dimethylbenzene, ethyl acetate and n-butyl alcohol. DTPA ( diethylene triamine penta-aceticacid) 结果表明:溶解聚苯乙烯的理想溶剂为二甲苯、酸乙酯和正丁醇的混合溶剂。
Six-pocket plastic foam lifejacket 六袋式泡沫塑料救生衣
The utility model has a certain market competitiveness because of the simple, structure, practicality, the cheap price of the plastic foam and the light quality of the plastic foam. 由于结构简单实用,且泡沫塑料的价廉质轻,故有一定的市场竞争力。
A stable polystyrene emulsion was obtained by the emulsification of waste polystyrene plastic foam. 通过对聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料进行乳化研究,获得了稳定的聚苯乙烯乳液。
The secret of such a house lies in its foundations, which are made up of multiple layers of light plastic foam supporting the concrete, allowing it to float. 漂浮房屋的奥秘在于其基底由多层能支撑混凝土的轻塑料泡沫构成,因此能漂浮在水面上。
The conductive compensate mechanism of the plastic foam was described in detail. 着重对泡沫材料导电补偿机理进行了描述。
The Notice for Polyurethane Plastic Foam on The Thermal-protective Construction of Cold Storage 硬质聚氨酯泡沫塑料用于冷库保温工程施工中应注意的问题
Rigid polyurethane plastic foam, with advantages as relative low density, specific strength, thermal conductivity, and easy to combine with other components and simple composite forming, is widely used on structural component area. 硬质聚氨酯泡沫塑料具有相对密度小,比强度高、热导率低及易与其它部件联接和复合成型简便等优点,广泛用在结构部件材料领域。
Plastic foam is used widely in the industrial fields and in daily life. 发泡塑料在工业和日常生活中有广泛的应用。
The preparation of anti-freezing adhesive of low-toxicity, low cost and super performance from recovered polystyrene plastic foam, and the emulgents, viscosity increasing agents mixed solvents with low toxicity were introduced in this paper, The process conditions are simple. 本文研究了以废聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料为主要原料,选择低毒性混合溶剂、增粘剂、乳化剂,制得低毒性、低成本、性能好的抗冻胶粘剂。
Quality Analysis Based on the Testing of Rigid Plastic Foam for Thermal Insulation 绝热用硬质泡沫塑料检测中的主要问题分析
Application of the Perturbation Method in Solving Bubble Growth Mathematical Model of Plastic Foam Forming 摄动法在泡沫塑料气泡膨胀数学模型求解中的应用
The effect of the cross link to the electrical properties and the foaming of the plastic foam was also discussed. 此外,就交联对电性能及泡沫发泡性的影响进行了探讨。
Based on the investigation and analysis, we have chosen bamboo, glass reinforced plastics and polystyrene plastic foam as composite material of sandwich panels. 在调查分析基础上,选择了竹笆板,玻璃钢做面层,聚苯乙烯为芯层,作为复合板材的组成材料。
Waterproof and thermal insulation roofing material prepared from fly ash from power plant and waste plastic foam as main raw material, normal Portland cement and calcium oxide as cementitious material with a small quantity of waterproof agent, water-hating agent, activating agent is introduced. 以粉煤灰、废旧聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料颗粒为主要原料,普通硅酸盐水泥、生石灰为胶凝材料,添加少量防水剂、憎水剂、激发剂,研制了屋面保温防水材料。
The thesis is description of requirements and suggestions for raw material, construction staff, and construction technology during field plating polyurethane plastic foam on job site of cold storage. 阐述了冷库现场喷涂聚氨酯施工作业中对原材料、施工队伍、施工工艺等方面的要求和建议。
Especially reinforced polyurethane plastic foam, combing features of polyurethane plastic foam and polyurethane rubber, can resist impact and shock, has important application value to industrial and national defense. 特别是性能介于聚氨酯泡沫塑料同聚氨酯橡胶之间的增强型硬质聚氨酯泡沫塑料,具有耐冲击和防震等优良性能,在工业和国防上有特殊的应用,相关材料工艺性能的研究具有重要的应用价值。
Comparedwith the suppository of metronidazole mixed with PEG and with polyether-polyurethane plastic foam, this preparation was longer effective, safer and more convenient in use. 经与以聚乙二醇为基质的甲硝唑栓剂和以聚醚型聚氨酯泡沫塑料为材料的甲硝唑阴道海绵栓剂比较,表明该剂型具有长效、安全、使用方便的特点。
Conclusion the straw fibre reinforced plastic foam because straw fibre to join, make hole wall of compressive performance enhancement, thereby improving the straw fibre polyurethane foam plastics compression strength. 分析得出秸秆纤维增强的泡沫塑料由于秸秆纤维的加入使孔壁的抗压性能增强,从而提高了秸秆纤维聚氨酯泡沫塑料的压缩强度。